By Janananda Gosvami
Have the days gone of the brave pioneering adventurous warriors in Krishna consciousness.
Going alone to far distant places armed only with faith in Srila Prabhupada and the holy names.
No money, support, place to stay, or assets of the material form. Is it still possible or effective to
go out on the streets chanting Hare Krishna in the old fashioned style. It was not unusual for
devotees in far fetching cities and towns to go alone against all odds. It may not be the trend of the
day some may say, but the following might provide food for thought
Satya Medha prabhu who is a young devotee from Bangladesh, a disciple of HH Jayapataka
Swami, working and living in Newcastle upon Tyne in the north-east of England. Newcastle is
famous as a heavy working class city. The last place one would expect a shy, slightly built, brown
bodied, Vaisnava to single handedly confront the forces of Kali. He goes out several days a week
alone, even though he works full time in the IT world. Here is one of many of his amazing
accounts which I hope will inspire others to take up the challenge of bliss. ?This sankirtan
movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large. It gives us a taste of the nectar for which
we are always anxious?
?Just last week I had an hour of Harinama in Newcastle city centre in the morning nobody gave
any donation. I tried to distribute books but no one seemed to be interested. The weather forecast
was heavy rain, but morning was quite sunny. I thought of going to Sunderland, a nearby city.
When I reached Sunderland city centre, it was full of people shopping. I set up the book table in
front of a bank so that the wind didn?t blow away the books. I was hesitating whether to put a
donation box or not as I knew from the past that people here are very reluctant to give donations or
buy books. Even I had heard that the people are a bit stone hearted , and very materialistic.
Especially on Saturday they tend to drink incessantly and can become quite mad by the
combination of the football matches and pubs. I was thinking - let me do Harinama for an hour
then I'll go back to Newcastle safely before it is dark. After a few minutes of starting Harinama
some kids came and put some money in the donation box. I wasn't expecting this, maybe kids
liked the tune. So let me continue singing in this way I thought. Then there was another bunch of
older boys, followed by a group of girls who came to give donations, They took books. It was just
the beginning. Later 15-16 years old boys and girls were coming to take books and give laxmi.
When they came others started following them from all directions - young men, elderly gentleman,
young and elderly ladies, college students ? all types of people were coming. The donation box
was full in no time and all the books were gone. More people came. I said ?I've no books left?.
They said ?take the money anyway?. It started raining, but I couldn't stop Harinama. People were
still coming and giving donations, smiling and waving their hands. I was looking at their faces -
Krishna is so wonderful, Krishna is so merciful - He gave them intelligence. I've a low voice, and I
cannot sing nicely. After two and half hours my speaker's battery ran out, I was trying to sing from
the top of my voice. Thank you Krishna for allowing me to be a little instrument for Your
pleasure. If I could only sing nicely to please Krsna!!
11 November, 1967 My Dear Brahmananda, I have read your statements regarding opening
centers. I am not in agreement with Mr. Altman that we are expanding very thinly. In my opinion,
a single sincere soul can maintain a center. You know I started the center at 26 2nd Ave. alone. I
took the risk of 200.00 dollars per month for the rent. At that time there were no assistants.
Mukunda was at that time a friend but there was no responsibility for him for maintaining the
center. Gradually Kirtanananda and Hayagriva joined but they did not take any responsibility. Still
I was maintaining the establishment simply depending on Krishna and then Krishna sent me
everything?men and money. Similarly, if a sincere soul goes out and opens a center in any part of
the world Krishna will help him in all respects. Without being empowered by Krishna, nobody can
preach Krishna Consciousness. It is not academic qualification or financial strength which helps in
these matters, but it is sincerity of purpose which helps us always. In this way you will follow my
example as I did in the beginning at 26 2nd Ave. That is preaching, cooking, writing, talking,
chanting everything one man's show. I never thought about the audience. I was prepared to chant if
there were no man to hear me. The principle of chanting is to glorify the Lord and not to attract a
crowd. If Krishna hears nicely then he will ask some sincere devotee to gather in such place.
Therefore, be advised that thousands of centers may be started if we find out a sincere soul for
each and every center. We do not require more men to start. If there is one sincere soul that is
sufficient to start a new center. Your ever well-wisher A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
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